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Turf brush

The innovative turf brush (RKB)

The newly developed and extensively tested RKB 6000 grass sweeper increases the performance of your vacuum sweeper by 100 %.

With this machine, you ‘sweep’ the mowed material into a swath in the centre in front of the tractor. This swath is then picked up and bunkered by the trailed suction wagon. The RKB doubles the working width of the vacuum sweeper, significantly reducing your working times.

It also prevents the tractor from driving over the crop. As a result, the vacuum sweeper can pick up the mown material much better than with conventional methods and it is also possible to work in wetter conditions.


In addition to sweeping, the RKB also has a strigel effect on the lawn, ensuring a dense and homogeneous sward.




Technical data

   Technical Data Turf Brush